Saturday, August 29, 2009

Basic 10 David's Journal July 23 - August 1

July 23rd (Day7) Thursday

We now have our weapons. We each were given a M16A2. Today we did the bayonet course. It wasn’t as fun as I thought it would be. It was a very tiring course, but I did finish it. It was a tiring day.

July 24th (Day 8) Friday

Today was a memorable experience. We learned about Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical (NBC) Warfare. We first learned how to maintain our M.O.P.P. (Mission Oriented Protection Posture) suits. Once we knew how to do that our drill sergeant found some silly reason to smoke us in our MOPP suits. The suit consists of a gas mask, thick clothing to go over our ACU’s, rubber boots to go over our boots, and rubber gloves. So there was no part of my skin showing. Then, we had to put on our LBV vest, and ruck sack. Then with our weapon at low ready we had to run around the track. The weight was difficult enough, then the heat from having so much on, but the worst had to be the breathing through the gas mask. It was difficult but I was one of the first done. Now, if I have the right equipment I could survive a NBC attack.

Then we marched over to the gas chamber. That is when the fun began. We were to go in to this building with our gas mask on. Then they dropped CS gas, also known as tear gas used for controlling riots. While waiting to go in the gas was still very potent. It burns the eyes and the skin. If you breathe it which I did many times it burns the throat. This was even before we went into the gas chamber. I was the first one in our group so I was very near the exit once we all filed in. It wasn’t to bad because we had our masks on. It just burned the skin a little in places where I was sweating. Once in we were given the command to break our seal and let gas into our mask, and then we needed to reseal it. Then we were given the command to remove our masks. The discomfort was unbearable. My throat was burning like crazy and snot was coming out of my nose like a waterfall. I was close to throwing up. We then were commanded to sing the Army Song. That was not happening for me. I don’t know how long we were in there, but it was tempting to rush the DS guarding the exit and run out. I just had to keep reminding myself that I am not going to die from this. I am guessing we were in there for about 5 minutes, and the interesting thing was that right before going out it seemed as if I had built up an immunity to the gas. I hope they got a picture of me coming out because I had snot everywhere. I don’t know if I would volunteer to do something like that again, but I would if I had to.
July 25th (Day 9) Saturday

Today was land navigation. We were taken out into the forest area and given different points we needed to find using a map and compass. I was given the responsibility of team leader. I think I was a little too confident and went to the first point to quickly and got us lost. After that it was very difficult because there were four other people in my group and none of them have ever been camping. I care about each of them, but they made if tough to find our target by complaining about spiders and stuff every 5 meters. I tried to help them get their composure so we could look for the next target. We finally found another group who helped us out a lot, and from there I found the other targets without too much trouble. We were able to pass and get back to base on time, but the people in my group still blame me for getting them lost. I do admit that I messed up, but I am confident I could do it now with no problem. I think we will get to do it again. It was a fun experience and hope I can do it again and conquer it. My boots are really starting to give me blisters and it is getting difficult to walk.

July 26th (Day 10) Sunday

Today was just a relaxing day. I live for Sundays during basic training.

July 27th (Day 11) Monday

Today was the first day of first aid training. It was mostly classroom time so it was a little difficult to stay awake. Later in the day I went to take care of some finance problems.

July 28th (Day 12) Tuesday

Today was the second day of first aid training. This was much more difficult than the first day. We trained how to transport injured soldiers during a combat situation. We pulled a battle buddy about 25 meters on a skid. Then we had to do the fireman carry, where we toss the battle buddy over our shoulders with their gear on. My battle buddy is about 15 pounds heaver than me. The next exercise was very difficult. We had to keep a low silhouette by crawling on all fours. Then that same battle buddy lies on his back and interlocked his hands around my neck, and I needed to drag him for about 25 meters. It took me a long time, but it took everyone a long time, and because of it my neck hurts so much. I can barely more it. It was a big accomplishment, but hopefully I never have to use it in the battle zone. Hopefully my neck heals quickly.

July 29th (Day 13) Wednesday

Today was the day I feared the most, but it has ended up being the best day so far. Today was the day we were giving and receiving IV’s. I was super scared for both, but luckily I was one of the first. I received the IV first from a female from a different platoon. She did very well and that gave me the confidence that I needed. I then followed all the steps very carefully and everything went perfectly. It was such a huge accomplishment for me. I would not mind giving IV’s often. If it is someone I can trust I wouldn’t mind receiving more IV’s.

July 30th (Day 14) Thursday

Today was the last day of first aid training. All we did was take the “combat lifesavers” test (CLS). It wasn’t too difficult. I probably should have studied more, but did good enough to pass. I feel pretty confident that I could save a battle buddy in a combat situation.

July 31st (Day 15) Friday

I forgot to mention that yesterday I became the Platoon Guide (PG) for my platoon. I am the first in the company. I don’t really know what I am doing. It is fun but a lot of responsibility. So far everyone really respects me. I know how to keep everyone motivated and in line, but I need to work on calling out commands for marches and cadences. I will practice at it.

Today was fun doing combatives and pugils. I got to wrestle the 18-year-old kids. It was my chance to beat up on them. They taught us how to choke someone to death, break arms, and other fun stuff. Then, they let us practice it. I was paired with an 18 years old kid. He is the fastest in our platoon and probably has the best PT scores. I do have about 15 pounds on him. So he got me first and then I just went through the process they taught us and reversed it around and by the end I had him under control and if I had another minute I could have gotten him in a choke hold. The one bad thing that happened was while I was getting out of his hold I flipped him over and my back landed on his body and strained a muscle in my back, so when pugils came around I was immobile and did not participate. But Private J mentioned after we wrestled how strong I am. That made me feel good about myself. I could not do everything that they did, but kept busy the whole time doing stuff. Now my shins, neck and back are super sore. I am going to sick call tomorrow. I did not want to go my whole time, but now I need to.

August 1st (Day 16) Saturday

Today was a rainy day and I went to sick call (CTMC). It was a long morning of waiting. The doctor I met with was not very friendly. The only nice part was finding out that my back was just muscle pain. I got some nice drugs and went back to the barracks in time for lunch. The army spends a lot of money on drugs and health care. I got everything for free. I look forward to the day of rest tomorrow.