Sunday, June 14, 2009

Pre-Basic 14: "Watch" Me Exercise

I got a watch for the first time since my mission 11 years ago. Spent a whole $9.98 at Wal-Mart on a black watch that not only tells me the time, but lights up when I want it to. It also beeps every hour. It has a cool Velcro strap and best of all a stop watch. I have fallen in love with it during my exercise routines. It has helped me pace myself during my runs, and to reach my goals for push ups and sit ups. What more could a guy ask for?

Well, last week during my wake boarding trip with the Boy Scouts. I wiped out in the water as I was tossed off of a tube. Spinning repeatedly over the top of the water like a rock skipping along it's surface. A few minutes later someone asked me what time it was, and my watch was nowhere to be found. I was devistated. (Not really, but it adds to the drama.)

So, it has been a week since the wake boarding trip and my exercise routine has gone to pot. I have only ran a few miles and done very little lifting and hardly any push ups and probably no sit ups. I am going to blame it on the watch. So, tomorrow I am going to ruck over to the nearest Wal-Mart and fork out another 10 bucks so I have no more excuses and get back to exercising again. I was doing so well before, and now I am almost back to couch potato form. Good thing the TV doesn't work anymore now that our country has switched to only HD TV. God Bless the USA.