Thursday, June 18, 2009

Pre-Basic 19: It is SILLy, but I am moving to Sill

I found out today that my basic training location has been moved from Fort Jackson, SC to Fort Sill, OK. I am excited. Fort Jackson has a reputation of being soft. It's nickname is Relaxin Jackson. I am excited for the challenge that lies ahead. I have been through Oklahoma 3 times, and don't remember what the weather was like, so that has to be a good thing right. I remember looking at the memorial from the Oklahoma city bombing. Here is a part of my journal entry from when I visited that memorial.

June 11th, 2002

"We are now in Oklahoma City where the Oklahoma City bombing occurred. It was crazy how strong the Spirit was as we drove by it to find a place to park and as we walked toward it. We were not even there yet, and I couldn't help but feel God's love for the people affected by this act of terror.

They have a statue of Christ across the street from it, and it has Him weeping with the scripture in John 11:35, "And Jesus Wept." I really felt that Christ was extra sad, because he knew that this would be the start of many terrorist acts in the world. And terrorist acts are the worst possible war tactics, or at least the worst that we have seen.

After seeing this memorial I really would like to see the World Trade Center memorial. These acts of terror have been both the worst and the best things that could have happened to us. The worst because of how hard times get with a struggling economy and of course the deaths and families affected. The best however because it helps us remember our God and the little things that we are grateful for. I am so grateful to be a part of such a wonderful family and the opportunity I have to learn from them."

There is so much to be grateful for. Right now I am still grateful for my family, but I am also grateful for this great country that we live in. The freedoms that we enjoy are abundant and I am proud to be a part of the armed forces that protect the freedoms that we enjoy each day and sometimes take for granted.

Today I did my PT test. I did not improve from before. I think that is because of lack of focus. Yesterday I took a break from exercising and that hurt me a little. My push ups were at 100%, my sit ups were at 67% and my run was at 75%. I am at least happy that I am passing, but I really want to get 100% in each area.