Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Pre-Basic 18: Water Ballon Volleyball and Ultimate Frisbee

It was a combined activity tonight for mutual with both the young men and the young women. They played water balloon volleyball. I was the referee and balloon tosser. They had a lot of fun playing that. If you don't know how to play it is very easy. It is basically the same rules as regular volleyball, but we use water balloons and towels. They break off into pairs and hold a towel and try to catch and toss the water balloons that come to them.

After that we played Ultimate Frisbee. Our team destroyed the other team 3-0. After the game Jake Packer came up to me and asked if I had been exercising. I told him yes. He could definitely notice a difference with my speed and endurance. He got tired right away and I just kept going and going. It was nice to hear him say that. I still have a long ways to go, but that was a nice start.

I enjoy playing with the younger kids. It definitely keeps me young. I hope to stay young for a long time. I feel joining the army will help me do that.