Saturday, June 27, 2009

Pre-Basic 23: Father and Children Campout

Faith, Solomon, and I went camping with my dad, Robert, Carter, and Gabby Thursday and Friday. We had so much fun.

I liked Solomon's face in both of these pictures so I had to use them both.

After leaving Kevin and Kirsten's place we went to Robert and Holly's home and waited for Robert to get home from his first real dental hygiene experience. (We are proud of his accomplishment of finishing dental hygiene school.) We then spent a while packing all our stuff into Robert's mother-in-laws car. We barely were able to do it. Then, we were on our way to the boarder. That is on our way to Taco Bell. We got a simple lunch and started our two hour drive to the campsite up on the Mollgion Rim. The kids were pretty good. The girls are a little more high maintenance than Solomon, but not too bad.

We met our dad at the campsite and spent a little time setting up. Then, we just relaxed. The kids had fun playing around and experiencing the camping experience. It sprinkled just a little bit, but nothing too bad. We took a hike to the rim and looked over the vast space. This is one of my favorite places in the world. I could sit there and ponder about God's creations for a long time. I would have if it wasn't for some of God's most beautiful creations needing my attention.

Grandpa, Gabby and Robert relaxing by the fire.

You may think I am silly, but I was so proud of Faith for going poop out in the forest. She is very good at using the facilities no matter where she is. There was a bathroom there, but she could not handle all of the flies. Gabby could not handle the smell.

After a nice pork dinner that Robert prepared, we went to bed. It was so much fun sleeping with Solomon and Faith. I didn't get much sleep, but for some reason it did not bother me, because I was right beside those two right and they were sleeping well.

On Friday morning I did Faith and Carter's hair. Then, I took the kids on a bear hunt. We had a great time shooting the "bears" with our "guns". We also had story time where I told them made up stories using them as characters. They absolutely loved that and kept wanting me to tell more stories. They even tried to tell there own. It was cute.

This is called the puppy dog style hairdo. I think I did a pretty good job, and Faith and Carter loved it, but I don't think I will quit my day job.

Later we went to the lake, and did some fishing. Faith loved it. We did not catch anything except a love for doing it.

Grandpa helping Solomon and Uncle Robert helping Faith.
Grandpa with Carter, Faith, and Solomon.

After a nap time by Robert and my dad, (Yes, I was stuck on children duty. I did fall asleep in the chair for a few minutes and the kids had gotten a hold of the toilet paper, and... You got the idea.) we set up some hammocks. Faith and Solomon could have spent all day in them.
Here is Faith. She really got into swinging back and forth in the hammock.
After about an hour of them playing Carter fell and hit her head on a rock, and got a big cut in her head. Robert, my dad, and I gave her a blessing and we decided to go home a day early. Carter should be okay, but Faith and Solomon are still praying that her head will get better. We were able to get packed up before the sun set so that was good, and the discipline was to a minimum. The drive home had a few cranky cries, but for the most part was not too bad.

We are grateful to have spent some time with Grandpa before we leave. I am grateful to have spent some time with my kids doing something memorable. They are still young, but I think they will be able to remember this experience for a little while. At least until I see them again. We are grateful for family members who have the resources for camping. We got rid of all of ours when we left Taiwan, and have not had the opportunity to build them up again since being back in America. I hope to camping again with the kids, and next time I should have lots of fun toys to take with us.