Sunday, June 28, 2009

Pre-Basic 24: Faith's talk on Faith

Faith gave her first talk in church. She did a great job. She spoke loud, and was very clear. She was super cute and there were some leaders there who were touched by the things that she had to say. Here is the transcript of her talk.

My name is Faith. I am going to talk about "faith". Faith starts with the letter F. (She held up a paper with the letter F that she had written on her own.) I can have faith to help my family and my daddy.

When my aunt Holly had a stroke, we prayed for her everyday. (Held up a picture of a family praying together.) She is better now, because of our faith.

My daddy is going to the Army. (Held up some camouflage things.) I won't see him for a long time. (Held up a picture of a soldier.) I can pray to keep him safe. (Picture of a girl praying.) My faith will help me see him again. (Put the pictures together.)

I have faith in Jesus. (Held up picture of Jesus.) I know that He loves me.

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

I was so proud of her. I don't know how much she understands about me leaving, but I do know that she understands the power of prayer, and that she will be praying for me everyday, just as I will be praying for her


Sparks Haven said...

What a special talk! I will write more later when I don't have so many tears in my eyes. Love Grandpa Bill

Unknown said...

The primary kids really liked it when she said her name was Faith and that she was going to talk about faith.