Sunday, July 19, 2009

Basic 3: David's Sunday Call

David had a few minutes and called to give us an update. Today, Sunday July 19, 2009 is the 3rd day officially of his basic training. The days previous have been about paperwork and medical tests etc. His attitude is still very positive. He is feeling the physical challenge of competing against 18 year olds, but it sounds like he is doing well. He is in the top running group which speaks well of his physical preparation before he reported. Of the four platoons in his training rotation there are only 9 that will be going on to Officer Candidate School (OCS). He says that there is a little resentment from some of the younger platoon members, (especially since he is paid at a higher rate than they are), but he feels like 98% of them accept him for who he is.

Yesterday he was repelling and really enjoyed it. However, since there was too much talking from the "troops" the drill sergeants put them all through 1 1/2 hours of non-stop exercise. He was definitely feeling the pain. He asked us all to pray for his physical health and that his body will hold up to the demands placed upon him. It turns out that he will be issued a "gun" tomorrow and is looking forward to that. He says that he has learned most of the parts of the "gun" and hopes to be able to learn to take it apart and put it back together fast.

Today he spoke in Church and said that it went well. I think he said that there are four other members of his platoon that he goes to Church with and ten from the whole regiment. There are some other members that aren't active. He does get emails on Sunday and would enjoy hearing from each of you. He is scheduled to graduate September 17th. Any one of family or friends would be welcome to attend. It is a whole day affair and then he will be off to OCS.

It is my hope that in addition to his physical well being each of us will be praying for his spiritual protection as well. Basic Training in some ways can be a negative environment. He says that it is hard to keep all the swearing out of his mind. I know that our prayers can help him and protect him from that negative influence.