Thursday, August 20, 2009

Basic 4 Begin David's Journal July 7

2009 07 07

Today is my 5th wedding anniversary, and the first day of 5 ½ months away from my family. My recruiter, Sgt. Gray picked me up at 0400 to go downtown to the military processing station (MEPS). It was a day full of waiting.

While getting my height and weight checked I noticed another LDS guy going through and started a conversation. He was a funny guy and we hit if off as friends. Then he asked me my name. I said, “Sparks”. Then he said with surprise, “Sparks?” So I looked at his nametag and it said Barba. Then all of the sudden I had tons of memories flood to my mind. It was Sean Barba. I grew up with him and did Scouts with him. It is funny that every time I go to MEPS I see someone that I know. I met another cool guy named John Gadbilao who was a body builder, but grew up in the Philippines and is half Chinese. I am loving all of the friends that I am making.

I went through the oath again which was still really cool, and found out my departure time for tomorrow at 0825. I will have to get up at 0300 to be ready. They have us in a nice Sheraton Hotel and fed us a nice dinner. I met a real cool kid during dinner. He had run away from the FLDS about a year earlier and we talked for about 3 hours. It was very enlightening. Too much to write in a journal. He said he plans on writing a book, so maybe then I will be able to express some of the things that their community and prophet Warren Jeffs believe. He is a good kid who is trying to find his way in our society. I wish him the best of luck and pray for him.