Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Pre-Basic 16: Otter Pops and Revelation

Today was my sprint intervals work out. These are tough work outs, but I like them. I run 400m at a 6 min. pace and then walk for about a minute. Then I do it again 8 times. I think next week I will get off of the treadmill and do it on the track. Hopefully, I can handle the change mentally.

Also because of my bum burn I did not do sit ups today. Instead I used the resistance ball and did some exercises. They gave me a burn in the right place,

my abs. I need to learn more exercises with the resistance ball. It gives me a much better workout than the sit up

I took the kids to the library to check out some books. They were very good so I told them we could go to Wal-Mart to get otter pops, or go to McDonald's to get French Fries. They chose Wal-Mart. It was the much better choice. 100 otter pops for $3.50. I am so grateful that my children are able to make good choices.

Anyway, while we were there I saw some American flag shirts that I had been looking for so our family could get a family picture before I leave to Basic Training. It was perfect and I got excited that I found exactly what I had pictured in my mind and for only 3 bucks each. I will post the picture on my blog when we take it.

I only went on a short two mile walk, but I have a testimony that walking is the best way to get ready for any physical training